Tuesday, November 9, 2010

We get very interesting people to our b&b. Folks who have had varied and fascinating jobs, and some who are still working, in fact, working while staying at our place. Some have been nurses with companies selling equipment, or working to improve nursing care, and others who like to help creat a blast!
George is just such a character. He arrived from Corner Brook and needed lodging for a few days. George operates a drill making holes that hold dynamite charges to break up rocks.

George took this video while we watched the side of the quarry blow apart. Hope you like it.

1 comment:

  1. Just think... should your septic tank ever get severely plugged up, you could call George, and in an instant, everything would be vaporized! You'd probably want a good strong wind from the west, I reckon... Just my 2 cents.
